What would you love a remote control for?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What would you love a remote control for?
Knock at the Cabin is another M. Night Shyamalan movie. M. … M. Night … Mr. Shymalamadingdong (not sure how best to make his second reference) made his requisite cameo as an infomercial pitchman. A fitting profession since infomercials peddle garbage products to people who will buy just about anything at midnight. This parallels—or perhaps contradicts—my interpretation of the film’s message. Folks willingly purchase garbage they don’t need because a fast-talking salesman tells them they do. They, however, won’t buy the truth about existential risks that could end civilization, despite warnings from scientists of the possibilities: catastrophic climate change, nuclear war, genetically engineered pandemics, malevolent superintelligent AI, etc. Most people maintain a myopic view concerning the mitigation of these risks. Knock at the Cabin referenced the Doomsday Clock as being about to strike midnight. Immediately after the clock’s mention, a character’s name is yelled a dozen times. A character named Wen. WHEN!? WHEN?! Not IF, but WHEN will civilization end. And, yes, it will end! I’d love a remote control that allows me to press PAUSE on that inevitability until, say, 2100. I don’t need to live past age 120.