What one thing would you never eat for breakfast?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Go ahead and finish that third cup of coffee first.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What one thing would you never eat for breakfast?
The following joke has likely been around for ages—hopefully with a much more polished delivery. That being said, I came up with this version myself.
Q: What title would be bestowed upon a leader with absolute power over a country whose official national dish is deep-fried, grated potatoes?
A: Dictater-tot
A bit wordy, but I’m no comedian. What’s also not funny are my burgeoning flapjack skills. I never realized making pancakes was so easy. They require only 6 ingredients: flour, milk, egg, baking powder, salt, sugar. Let’s be honest, though, you also have to add bananas or chocolate chips at the very least. I quickly realized they were even simpler if you just purchase a box of pancake mix—just add water. I’m a pro at combining two ingredients. I also learned that my mother had always used boxed pancake mix while I was growing up. What a revelation! This Christmas, I was gifted a couple griddles that have already become well used. One is large enough to make multiple flapjacks simultaneously … or one supersized one. However, if there’s something I would never eat for breakfast, it’s one pancake.
I haven’t been able to post for a while. It was rejecting my posts. Must be fixed now.
Sorry if that was the case. You wouldn’t believe the incompetence I have working in this solo enterprise!
When I was a little girl (many, many, many years ago)I lived with my Grandparents (your Greatgrand Parents). My parents, your Grandparents, uncle Sammy and Uncle Tony. My Grandfather worked nights and when he got home every morning he would eat cold leftover pasta. I would eat my regular breakfast then sit with Grandpa and eat cold pasta. I could never do that now. As a matter of fact, I can’t eat breakfast.
He probably wanted it warm, but was just too damn tired to bother heating it up.