Which animal would you like to see become illegal to eat?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Maybe just have your steak dinner, think it through, and then post your answer.

. . .here are my thoughts.
Which animal would you like to see become illegal to eat?
Beer connoisseurs are educated about and greatly appreciate the transformation of hops, barley, and yeast into alcohol. Furthermore, they’re competent to act as critical judges of beer. But don’t confuse them with bear connoisseurs. I assume bear connoisseurs have a great appreciation and first-hand knowledge of all things bear-related. While it’s legal in most states, eating grizzly meat isn’t common. If someone wants to be an all-encompassing expert in a given species, that “all-” component should include first-hand knowledge of taste. It’s thought that Charles Darwin ate one of every animal he discovered, so that’s some good company. Then again, it’d be seen as a negative if your family doctor admitted to practicing cannibalism … even if it was just a college phase. Maybe just don’t eat humans or bears! Then again (again), what if we mean the Urban Dictionary definition of bear?
bear: (noun) a husky, large man with lots of body hair
Now that’s a whole new can of Brylcreem! This version of bear connoisseur would have extensive knowledge of large, husky, hairy men, and possess the competency to judge them in all matters … taste included.