Where is the most romantic place to meet your true love?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
Where is the most romantic place to meet your true love?
The major question surrounding The Power of the Dog is obvious: what the hell does the title mean? I stand corrected … the biggest mystery is why every director who casts Thomasin McKenzie insists on making her look as homely as possible. Reminds me of Jennifer Lawrence in Winter’s Bone. Anyway, I believe Phil planned to murder Peter during their travels. Phil’s intentions changed upon discovering Peter saw the same form of a dog within the features of the distant hills that his friend and mentor had decades ago. “Friend and mentor” carried multiple meanings in early-1900s Montana—a far less romantic setting to meet your true love than, say, a cloudless sunset on a San Diego beach. Those very same hills were where Peter found the anthrax-riddled carcass that would ultimately spell Phil’s demise. The real power of the dog was the ability of those hills to flip-flop murderer and victim. That’s my analysis, anyway. Films are more powerful when the viewer is allowed room for interpretation based on their personal preferences. Not unlike how some folks prefer their romantic San Diego sunsets be completely hidden behind clouds.