Where is the safest place in the world?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! This is a safe place; you can write whatever you want.

. . .here are my thoughts.
Where is the safest place in the world?
When I hear someone say “New Jersey,” I don’t think about that landmass east of Pennsylvania. That outlier of a state that won’t allow its citizens to pump their own gas doesn’t occupy my thoughts. I hear lowercase letters: new jersey. I conjure to mind a brand spanking new addition to my—many would label excessive—collection of soccer jerseys. The memory of that unmistakable new jersey smell fills my nostrils. I feel the soft touch of polyester hugging my torso. These (N/n)ew (J/j)erseys do have a little something in common: petroleum. Today’s soccer jerseys are generally made of 100% polyester—a synthetic type of plastic fiber, often petroleum-derived. Gasoline we put in our cars (or someone else pumps for us) is also derived from petroleum. According to their lawmakers, Garden State residents can’t be trusted to pump their own gas without creating a fire hazard. I imagine this single law makes New Jersey the safest place in the world … right?! By this train of logic, I can’t help but imagine polyester jerseys pose an immense danger to all New Jerseyans. Imagine the headline:
New Jersey Pyro Self-Cremates in New Jersey