What is your biggest frustration with the government?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But honestly, I’ll be frustrated if you don’t.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What is your biggest frustration with the government?
Ever fill out an online government form containing a GENDER section? You probably think I’m about to go on a 200-word rant about all things gender-related. You’d be wrong. I’ve already written that 1000-word article (find it HERE). Instead, let’s discuss how confusing this must be for my sister-in-law, Emily. These online forms mostly have the heading, GENDER, followed by the options of MALE or FEMALE. More woke governmental forms may have additional alternatives, but they still allow only one to be chosen. Sometimes there’s not even a heading or question—just those two options: MALE or FEMALE. This is where Emily might rightfully get confused. Most Emilys will assume it’s referring to assigned sex at birth, thus click FEMALE. Although, they might then see MALE, sound it out as M-A-LE, and click on the button in front of their phonetically spelled name. But clicking on MALE removes the checked box next to FEMALE. Confusion reigns! Emily has been one of the most common baby girl names over the last few decades. I’m frustrated on behalf of each and every one of the millions of Emilys caught up in this FEMALE/MALE quagmire!
my biggest frustration with the government is the person in charge of our highest office isn’t. Don’t know who is running government
where do you come up with your answers
You were thinking the same thing, weren’t you?!