Who is definitely not normal?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Normally, though, I would think you’d want to … especially after reading this one!

. . .here are my thoughts.
Who is definitely not normal?
I heard the phrase “I don’t want to become whole” said on a TV show. It’s an odd sentence even if you interpret the meaning as intended. I mean, in what way are you only partial? Anywho … the phrase hit me as even odder still. Because the handsome young gentleman said this to his attractive female costar with a hint of disappointment and complaint in his voice, I heard it as “I don’t want 2B cum hole.” In my defense, the sexual tension at that point was ratcheted sky high! His comment immediately begged the following questions:
- Was “2B” his description, or hers?
- Which hole is 2B?
- Does that mean there’s one overwhelming preference, then 2A and 2B are essentially tied for second place?
Obviously, this vulgarity on a Netflix program—especially one involving so many teenagers—struck me as highly questionable, verging on offensive. This is perhaps evidence of three things:
- The English language is easily misinterpreted when context is not accounted for.
- I’ll write about anything.
- There’s something wrong with me!
Yeah, I’m definitely not normal. Then again—each in our own ways—aren’t we all a little abnormal?