What person or thing best represents the 1950s?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Did they even have typewriters in the 50s?

. . .here are my thoughts.
What person or thing best represents the 1950s?
It seems the movies I put off watching for months or years often end up being great films. Such is the case with the 2016 film, Fences. It was an Oscar Best Picture nominee for a reason. Viola Davis even won Best Supporting Actress for her role as Woman. Woman wasn’t her character’s actual name, but that’s what I’ll remember her as since her husband addressed her as such on dozens of occasions. Woman was probably the second most used word in the entire film behind only the noun that’s now only acceptably used in period films, or by select rappers and comedians. Both words seemed perfectly acceptable—almost representative of the decade—back in the 1950s. One is now so unspeakable that it’s reached the pinnacle of the 26 notorious “–word” designations. Frankly, just typing “N-word” feels outright vulgar. Back then, “Woman” was used as a term of endearment from a husband to his wife, but that shit would not fly today! Go ahead and call any person “Woman” who fits that general description. See what happens. And please record her reaction. That’s something I want to watch right now.