What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “I”?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! An eye for an eye; I wrote this for you!

. . .here are my thoughts.
What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “I”?
insouciant: showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent
The protagonist in the novel I wrote used this word in dialogue. His sister admitted to not knowing what the word meant, even though she probably could have used the ol’ context clues to suss out its meaning. Fine, fine! Enough with the begging. Here’s that little excerpt from my never-to-be-published novel.
“You know your insouciant act isn’t working this time, Liv.” Her intentions are to ease my worry and anxiety, yet succeed only in highlighting the caldron of concern bubbling in my brain.
“Not everyone has it out for you, Neil.”
“You have no idea what insouciant means, do you?” I yell in response.
Liv turns around to face me. She raises her fist beside her forehead and flicks a finger into the air as though a lightbulb of understanding has illuminated above her head. At the same time, shaking her head back and forth with a smirk of satisfaction.
Now you’re probably wondering what the hell’s going on in that passage. Well, I wrote it, and I’m not exactly sure! Just one of many reasons I’m insouciant about the book’s publishability.
sometimes using words most people know is better.
If “most” means 50% +1 of the world population, than the words “most people know” would be quite limited: “no,” “yes,” maybe “thank you.”