What law would you enforce to make our world safer?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Trust me, it’s safe; it’s the Internet.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What law would you enforce to make our world safer?
Ride your bike with traffic. Walk, run, or otherwise ambulate against traffic. Them’s the rules, bub! Rules there to protect not just the slower traveling party, but also the people sitting behind steering wheels of potentially lethal vehicles. When a pedestrian is stuck and killed by one of these multi-ton bullets, the term vehicular homicide may be tossed about. What happens, though, when the pedestrian or cyclist is clearly at fault? Obviously, the driver will not be brought up on charges, so prison time is not a concern. But that doesn’t mean the driver escapes scot-free. They may become prisoners to their own thoughts, living every day with the knowledge of the accidental, yet direct role, they played in ending the life of a fellow human. I argue for the enforcement of laws deeming the estate of a cyclist or pedestrian killed while traveling the wrong way—therefore, deemed to be at fault for their own demise—should be held legally bound to pay reparations to the motorist. Compensation for physical damage to the automobile, not to mention for a lifetime of mental anguish. Mental healthcare, after all, ain’t cheap!
It would always upset your father when walkers or bicyclist didn’t ride or walk on the right side of the road
Happens far too much on at least a few roads around here–the walking, that is.