What movie are you surprised everyone loved?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I can’t say I won’t be disappointed if you don’t.

. . .here are my thoughts.
Do I think his third directorial effort was better than his first two? Nope! Do I think this movie fit the criteria to be listed as a horror film? Nope! Would I watch it again? Nope! Do I think the fact that I heard spoilers about the big “twist” affected my opinion of the film? Nope! To be fair, there’s no way to objectively prove “Nope!” is the appropriate answer to that last one. Still, I hold firm that the title of Jordan Peele’s movie is the correct answer. Nope just didn’t do it for me. I’ll give it one accolade, though—I really like when a film’s title is said or referenced within the movie. Did they maybe go a little overboard with the number of times they uttered “Nope”? Yup! I also rather enjoy when a title is seemingly random, having absolutely nothing to do with the plot. Nope is a prime example of those rare gems. Despite being flabbergasted that everyone seems to love Nope, I’ll still watch Peele’s next motion picture. But will I go apeshit-crazy recommending anyone watch this non-scary “horror” film? The answer’s obvious … Hell No!