Given your current looks, what area of modeling are you best suited for?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But if you want to be a model reader, you really should comment.

. . .here are my thoughts.
Given your current looks, what area of modeling are you best suited for?
Gone are the days of curveless, female fashion models—a body-type nothing like that of your average calorie-ingesting human. Gone, also, are the handsome, buff gentlemen with impeccably chiseled jawlines and midsections of granite. Today we see models of all shapes, sizes, colors, etc. To be fair, though, rail-thin female models still exist in high fashion, and buff fellas still exist to peddle men’s underwear. High fashion pieces are often one-offs, specifically tailored for the runway model, so nobody can really buy that shit anyway. And we wouldn’t even be able to see briefs on a dude with a huge beer-belly, so we do require someone that’s at least toned. Everyone seems to know the names Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, and Gisele (Something-or-Another). But I couldn’t name you one model strutting the runways today. Being a model really doesn’t hold the cachet it once did. So, the bad news: modeling will no longer make you a household name. The good news: if you have a pulse, you can be a model. Let me know of any casting calls for the specialized area of “Previously Fit, Dad Bod.”