What would seriously bring down the value of your house?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Or just post your address so I can Zillow your home’s value.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What would seriously bring down the value of your house?
How many books do you read at once? Alright, smart ass—you only read one book at exactly the same time! Your right eye can’t scrutinize Infinite Jest while your left reads What If? 2: Additional Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, by Randall Munroe. I read this book concurrently with a few others, only one of which was a novel. You have to read a novel consistently, lest risking loss of important plot points, necessitating a re-read of the previous chapter to reacclimate yourself. What If? 2 is a book you can pick up periodically to read a bit of when needing a day off from your novel, or when you only have a few precious minutes to consume a 5-page chapter before inevitably falling asleep with an empty Glencairn glass. If you really want answers to silly questions—What would happen if you shrunk Jupiter down to the size of a house and placed it in a neighborhood, say, replacing a house?—this is the perfect book for both your eyes, simultaneously. FYI: that Jupiter house would bring the value of your entire neighborhood down to zero!