What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Maybe make it a habit, though … dare I say, a tradition.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What is your favorite holiday tradition?
CNN takes a backseat to the Hallmark Channel during the entirety of December. My wife’s choice—not mine. It’s become a holiday tradition to passively view those cheesy, 120-minute Hallmark holiday movies, knowing precisely when another two hours of my life has slipped away. That being within five minutes of the lone, inevitable kiss between the lead characters. A Cozy Christmas Inn completely upended my tradition this year. Jodie Sweetin and some dude I hadn’t seen in any previous Hallmark films locked lips. I immediately peered down at the clock, fully expecting it to read five minutes shy of the hour. To my confusion, it showed xx:16. I figured the TV must’ve been paused at some point recently, so I pushed Live TV. Nothing happened. Pressing the Info button, I saw—to my horror—44 minutes remained. WTF!? I felt so betrayed. I always thought there were two entities I could trust explicitly: Stephanie Tanner, and Hallmark’s formulaic use of the end-of-movie kiss. Guess I’ll have to find a new favorite holiday tradition—one that won’t betray my confidence. Probably some bullshit sounding tradition like … I don’t know… spending time with loved ones.
Bullshit like spending time with us ?
“Bullshit” meaning the exact same answer everyone gives. Perhaps it could have been worded better.