Who would you fight if you knew you would win?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! It’s not like I’ll whoop your ass if you don’t.

. . .here are my thoughts.
Who would you fight if you knew you would win?
Imagine, hypothetically, you play soccer. You practice your position every day. Thirty minutes before a game, Coach tells you to play a completely different position than the one you’ve spent months practicing. He gives no special instructions on how you’re to execute the role you have zero experience performing. Set up for failure, right!? Now, imagine you play so poorly that Coach subs you off before halftime, then has the gall to berate your play as an embarrassment to your entire family. If I could guarantee I’d win a fight with someone—suffering no repercussions—I’d damn sure kick that hypothetical coach’s ass! If prison time were off the table, I’d—hypothetically—walk to his automobile, bust out a few windows, and retrieve a baseball bat. (In this fictional account, he also coaches baseball.) Approaching him from behind, I’d yell “Timber!!” as I wacked at his knees. When all was said and bloody done, I’d pour a few glasses of mead—my fellow imbibers each an alibi to me being with them the past several hours. After all, nobody would ever believe it was me that had played so poorly.