What would you like to stuff your face with right now?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What would you like to stuff your face with right now?
Ever eaten at Wahlburgers? I wouldn’t recommend it. Nor would I necessarily recommend watching Uncharted. It’s a fun movie that doesn’t take itself too seriously, so go ahead if you’re in the mood for that sort of thing. If you’re someone who continues on with a franchise once you’ve watched the first film, though, be forewarned that a sequel is set up in the end credits. Do I wish someone would have warned me against watching the first Fast & Furious movie? Yes. Yes, I do. Uncharted does, in a sense, allow you to see Tom Holland rehash his role as Spider-Man—although without the skin-tight suit. Holland may find himself a bit typecast as he swings from ropes and hangs from perilous heights on multiple occasions. With the sequel(s) inevitably poised to make another $400 million, Mark Wahlberg might contemplate using some of his earnings to increase the embarrassing serving size of Wahlburgers’ fries. Enough with all this burger and fries talk. Today’s Thanksgiving—I’m about to stuff my face with some turkey! FYI: Unlike Spider-Man, turkeys can actually fly, albeit only for short distances at low heights.