What three words would comprise your slogan if you were running for mayor?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But I vote that you do.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What three words would comprise your slogan if you were running for mayor?
“Nothing is certain except death and taxes.”
This phrase is so cliché that you can whittle it down to just the two nouns and most people will fully suss out your meaning. If I were interested in running for any governmental position, I’d piggyback on this universally identified word combination by simply adding my surname to the list.
Death. Taxes. Heffron.
Sure, on first view it would seem putting my name alongside two despised concepts might be a less than advantageous marketing ploy. But eventually voter’s myopic view will expand to see the true intent of my genius slogan: the inevitability factor! It might take until my 3rd or 4th campaign, but eventually voters will come to realize they have only one way to stop seeing “Bradley Heffron” on their ballots: vote me into office! They could probably also just wait for me to die . . . or take it upon themselves to expedite my demise. But I digress. Who knows, had Ross employed the slogan “Death. Taxes. Perot.” back in 1992—and persisted with it in 1996—Miss Lewinsky’s dress might never have gotten stained.
Truth Matters Always
But does Truth Always Matter ?