Q&complAints #352: Waiting

Where do you not mind waiting?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Take your time … I’ll wait.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

Where do you not mind waiting?

English folks don’t mind waiting in lines.  Over there they call them queues—in their fancy accents.  Accents that drive women wild so long as they don’t venture into the extremely incomprehensible, like Birmingham’s “Brummie” dialect.  Maybe even then!?  Those queues in the recent COVID-19 social distancing culture either became 6 times longer, or stayed about the same length with 84% less people.  Regardless, waiting in any line should be bearable given headphones, an adequately charged cell phone, and sufficient data allotment.  Absent those luxuries, the classic people-watching of yesteryear will have to suffice to fill the time.  Your viewing preference may lean toward camel-toe-in-yoga-pants, or perhaps Greg-Norman-in-board-shorts.  But why limit to one flavor of genitalia?  Hell, why not throw in a bipartisan derriere.  Maybe something farther north, like a face.  No need to sexually objectify the people around you, though.  Instead, attempt to interpret their actions and expressions to suss out their deep-seated emotions.  Or just peek over a shoulder to share in their YouTube clip of choice.  I would rather be sitting at home, though, waiting patiently for the current podcast episode to end before beginning the next one in my queue.  

Check out ALL previous Q&complAints posts here!

2 thoughts on “Q&complAints #352: Waiting”

  1. I don’t mind waiting in a restaurant if I am with someone interesting to talk to or if the Buckeyes are playing on one of the tvs and I can’t get the game at home


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