What profession have you always admired?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I’ll admire whatever you have to say, even if you’re not a pro writer.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What profession have you always admired?
I have a Swiss Army watch. It’s a great timepiece. I’ve had it for over a decade, yet its face looks like it was made yesterday. It was heavily marketed as having a scratchproof face, still I was imagining more like scratch-resistant. Swiss Army over-delivered on that promise. However, they under-delivered by not letting me know I’d need to have the watch sent across an ocean for each battery change. Apparently, if any non-contracted entity opens the watch, all the warranties and whatnot are voided. It’s not sent all the way to Switzerland, but somewhere else outside the U.S. There’s a good chance I wouldn’t have made the purchase if I’d known about the whole mail-away annoyance. Fortunately, I purchased a lifetime battery replacement for a remarkably low price, especially given the hassle and cost of shipping it out of country. Whenever its hands stop moving, it takes me a month or more to get over to Jared’s. Another month until I get a voicemail saying it’s back in the States, awaiting pickup. An additional flip of the calendar until I actually pick it back up. Despite this lengthy annoyance, I’ve always admired horologists.
I,’ve always admired the police. How they go to work each day not knowing if they’ll come home because those they are working to keep safe dont respect them enough to obey the law. They rather blame everthing bad that happens on those that are trying to keep them safe. The crimals never do things wrong and the govrrnment is on their side more than law emforcement.