What sport should be in the Olympics?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What sport should be in the Olympics?
They’ve tried some really odd sports in the Olympics over the years. Yeah, I’m pointing at you 1900-1920 Tug of War! Frankly, I don’t give a rat’s behind what sports are in the Olympics. But I do think we could gain a little insight from the sports already on offer. I posit the gold medal winners of each sport in the traditional Olympics and the Paralympics face off against one another. One would imagine the standard Olympic athlete would triumph over the Paralympic athlete in many of the competitions. The side winning this competition must give a sport-specific handicap to the other side 4 years down the road when they next compete. For example, in the 100-meter sprint, the losing side starts 5 meters closer to the finish line next time. If they lose again, start with a 10 meter advantage 4 years later. The long-term goal is to determine, on average, how much better the very best in the world is from the very best from the other Olympiad, as well as how much this difference changes with time. The real quandary, however, is why the hell anybody would desire these statistics!?