What dirty word always makes you laugh?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But you’d be doing me dirty if you read this without commenting.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What dirty word always makes you laugh?
It’s not a “dirty word” per se, but the word peon always makes me laugh. You don’t really hear peon used that often, which strikes me as both fortunate and unfortunate. Fortunately, folks generally don’t go around referring to lower status people as peons, since the word can carry such a negative connotation. Unfortunately, though, we could experience so many more laughs if it was used more often. I don’t laugh when hearing the word because I’m some jerk who likes to hear people talked down to. Rather, it sounds like “pee on.” It always makes me think about the Eminem song, Medicine Ball, with the line: “I’ll pee on Rihanna …” This likely references R. Kelly’s infamous pee tape, since Eminem took every available opportunity to work pop culture of the day into his extensive lyrics. Here’s another—classier—definition of peon:
“A farm worker or unskilled day laborer.”
Farm work sure sounds like a job where you’d need a good scrubbing at the end of the day to remove all the dirt and soil caked atop all that sweat. So, yeah, I change my mind. Seems peon is a dirty word!
“None” doesn’t seem dirty to me. Or funny.