What cause would you choose to be a spokesperson for?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But why not speak your mind.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What cause would you choose to be a spokesperson for?
Undoubtedly, you’ve heard the saying,
“April Showers Bring May Flowers”
If the last handful of years are any indication, this mantra needs reviewed. The tail end of winter is still with us into my traditionally wet birth month. And those flowers are lucky to be seen peeking up by the end of May. Everything seems pushed back by a month. I remember when I could expect decent weather until the end of September. Now it’s still short-sleeve weather until well after all the Halloween candy has been gobbled up. Global warming is real! But its name is unfortunate. People witness much colder weather at times and locations than history would predict, and then nonsensically utter: “Where’s this global warming those donkeys and idiot scientists keep talkin’ about?!” When the Earth’s overall average temperature increases, weather extremes occur—both hot and cold. We need some better global warming marketing. Maybe a catchy phrase like:
“Global Warming Means, Hot & Cold Extremes”
Enough people already support the fight against global warming, though. I’d, instead, champion the cause of altering that outdated springtime cliché to something more apt:
“May Showers Bring June(ish) Flowers”
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