What would you like delivered to your doorstep every morning?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I’ll be in mourning if you don’t comment by tomorrow morning.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What would you like delivered to your doorstep every morning?
I listened to a podcast in the past—it shall remain nameless—that opened by offering listeners a “Good Morning.” I found this annoying, if not a bit presumptive—as though the first thing I’d do each day after my morning piss, was download and consume her affirmation. Granted, it was marketed as a morning podcast to kick off your day. But still! Perhaps I’m running late and didn’t have time to listen to those 5-minutes. Hell, maybe I just wanted to sleep past noon. Don’t judge me! The last thing I need is an energetic “Good Morning” when the sun is nearer the western horizon—a subtle reminder that I won’t complete everything that I had tentatively scheduled. I’m not saying I stopped listening because I grew tired of her peppy little, vocal-fry voice demanding I have a “Good Morning.” But maybe it played a role. I’d like the host of that podcast delivered to my doorstep every morning, just before noon. If I continually answer the door at 12:01 P.M., just as her voice emanates “Good Morning” from my phone, maybe—just maybe—she’d eventually catch my drift.
I would love a Cappuccino delivered to my door every morning. Skim milk and decaf. Double espresso. Yum. So good.
As far as a podcast, I am into Crooked City. It’s all about Youngstown and the mob. Very interesting. A lot of familiar names, places and incidents. The neighborhood we lived in for many years and we raised our girls had several mafia families and factions. When my girls were little one of the little girls from one of these unnamed families walked to our house and in playing with our girls said she had to go visit her father who was in college. We always laughed about that. I wonder what degree he was working on. He was definitely named a lot in this podcast.
Interesting. I’ll have to look into that one.