What is the best advice you have ever received?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Don’t listen to that, it’s terrible advice.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
I hear advice all the time from older generations: “Don’t wish your life away.” Life is short enough as it is. It’s important to always have something to look forward to. Whether it’s an episode of your favorite TV show after work, a good meal after a long day of work, or breaking into a new bottle of your favorite drink after that exhausting day at work. What I’m saying is, nobody likes work! You need something to look forward to as you toil those hours away. This concept applies not only to each day, but also to the year in general. Once some folk’s favorite season ends, they wish the other three away. We only get so many laps around that nearly million-mile-wide ball of plasma—don’t wish three-quarters of them away. I look forward to sports. The European football season ends in the spring; then we’re into the heart of the MLS soccer season; sprinkle in 45 days of the World Series of Poker, overlapping with 3 weeks of the Tour de France; then back into mid-August and European soccer’s start. I’m left with no time to wish away!
So I’ve heard.
I think one bit of advice that I received that’s so true is that if someone is too nice, beware. We can’t be Smiles and nice at all times. Anyone who is that way all the time is either too stupid to know what is wrong or hiding something.
You can trust me, then, because I’m hardly ever nice!