When is it a good time to scream?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Instead, just go to the top of the nearest mountain and scream your answer.

. . .here are my thoughts.
When is it a good time to scream?
There’s a thought-provoking saying in soccer:
“A 2-goal advantage is the most dangerous lead in soccer.”
Once a team scores again, extending their lead to 2 goals, they earn that little extra wiggle room. Room for complacency, knowing if the other team scores, a 1-goal cushion still remains. Then the nervousness rushes in. They begin to worry about giving away the victory, when moments ago they thought the win was in the bag. The whole team begins playing tentatively, focused on holding onto that slimmest of leads, rather than continuing to play in the fashion that got them the lead in the first place. Playing not to lose—rather than playing to win—can be the surest way to accomplish neither. Recently, I heard a highly respected announcer of a European football match say the team winning 2-0 had a “2-goal buffer.” I could fancy nothing better to do than scream at him through my television. How could this guy, probably paid 7-figures a year, make such a silly mistake? Assuming the team wants to win the game—not draw (tie)—when leading 2-0, they have only a slim 1-goal buffer.
When you hear a certain supposed leader of the free world try to speak
Hey! It’s a medical condition!