What one question would you not want to answer?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Why the hell wouldn’t you, though?! Huh?! Huh?! Answer me!

. . .here are my thoughts.
What one question would you not want to answer?
Few questions are more impossible to answer than
“Can I ask you a question?”
You can’t readily say
The asker has just proven that ability with that initial question. Perhaps a response of
“Sure, but just that one.”
will suffice to nix any further inquiries. Until it’s inevitably and immediately followed by
“Okay, how ‘bout just one more?”
To which your response of
“Odd you’d waste it on that question, but now you’ve reached your self-imposed limit.”
could trigger them to walk away in some combination of embarrassment and annoyance (preferred), or to proceed with the question they should’ve led with initially (abhorred). Prefacing the true inquiry with
“Can I ask you a question?”
seems to be a staple in society today. Regardless of the exact pedantic response given, the primary intention should be to signal the silliness of that leading question. The holy grail of objectives is to prevent them from posing their follow-up question. Your realistic goal, however, is to preemptively signal your intention of denying their request without having to actually say
“Hell no!”
To leave—as it were—no need for further questions on the matter.
If they asked what you thought of them and you didn’t really like them then it could get embarrassing if you told the truth. I would probably tell hem the truth if they asked for it.
Just use big words they don’t understand.