Q&complAints #296: Wasting Time

What do you waste your time doing?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! You know I value your time.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What do you waste your time doing?

I change the tagline of each Q&complAints post I write.  It’s probably not called a tagline, but I’m at a loss for a better term.  It’s the part up there where I write:    

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below.  I’m not the boss of you, though.  Don’t write anything for all I care! … 

That next sentence is a fresh, little quip that has something to do with the question of the day.  Why do I waste my time doing that, though?  Surely the few readers I have don’t bother reading it each time.  You probably figure it’s just the same old drivel as the last 295 times, so you skip right over it, moving onto the good stuff.  Good stuff?!  Ahh, shucks—you’re too kind.  But it’s not like it takes long at all.  It’s honestly one of the last things I do before hitting “Publish”—almost an afterthought.  Now that I’ve brought this to your attention, you’re more likely to read it.  Thus, it’ll no longer be a waste of my time.  Which essentially invalidates this answer, meaning I have to waste my time thinking of another.  


Check out ALL previous Q&complAints posts here!

4 thoughts on “Q&complAints #296: Wasting Time”

  1. I. Donrt think it’s a waste of time reading your stories. More people should take advantage of the opportunity

  2. That’s easy. Worrying. Worrying is a big waste of time. If you worry about it and it’s going to happen, it will happen if you worried or you didn’t. I am a big worrier. I try not to but it just comes natural. I can write a series of books on things I’ve worried about that didn’t happen.


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