What two people would be completely useless in a roundtable discussion of politics?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What two people would be completely useless in a roundtable discussion of politics?
First off, why would two people need to sit at a round table? I’m picturing one of those tiny little standing tables dotting the circumference of a giant conference room during the hors d’oeuvre hour. Straight edged tables are a lot more comfortable with respect to resting your arms. And there’s no worry about not being able to see who’s immediately to the left or right because Xi Jinping can just have Kim Jong-un seated directly across from him during their mano-a-mano political discussion. Sorry, what’s that? You say “roundtable” is just a term—the actual table can be any shape? Well, that’s good to know. Regardless, I’m now picturing the leaders of China and North Korea standing at a tiny circular table eating bruschetta with mushrooms and olive tapenade, shrimp cocktail, and deviled eggs. That sight is about as silly as thinking any political discussion between the two nations would amount to anything short of nuclear war. This despite China being considered North Korea’s closest ally. Best case scenario: their countries focus cyberterrorism attacks on one another for a while, rather than on the United States.