What baby-like quality do you still possess?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Or just write something, then go take a nap.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What baby-like quality do you still possess?
Babies begin learning colors when they’re quite young. Okay maybe not babies. By the technical definition we’re probably talking toddlers. Close enough, though. But still, kids learn major colors when quite young. Understandably, mistakes will still be made from time to time as they cement those major colors into memory. You might get a laugh from descriptions of a blue fire truck, pink dog, or periwinkle flower. Okay … that last one could actually be right. I, unfortunately, can be quite baby-like in this regard. When I’m in a rush to describe something that reflects the entirety of the human visual spectrum, I’ve been known to describe it as yellow. Almost before the entire word exits my mouth, I realize my mistake and hastily change the adjective to white. It doesn’t happen every time, but enough to know there’s some neural connection up in my ol’ mass of grey matter that still acts as though it’s shy of 18 months old. Venturing beyond the standard 16-count box of crayons, anyone can be forgiven for a bit of color confusion. I’d like to see you pick out cerulean, timberwolf, or wisteria from a lineup.
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I would like to say my baby like quality is my sweetness but no one in the family would agree. My sister would say it is my whining.