What do you consider hazardous to your health?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Seriously, though—a couple words ain’t gonna kill you.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What do you consider hazardous to your health?
Few people will take a bullet for another person. Parents may for their children. Perhaps a spouse for their better half. If you don’t truly love someone, you aren’t sacrificing yourself for them. The exception, I believe, is a Secret Service Agent protecting the President. Even then, they’re not risking their lives to save that individual President. Instead, they’re protecting the concepts of freedom and democracy the meat-bag represents. An armed security guard protecting, say, an elementary school would not fall under this umbrella. Nor should they, considering their pay. The average security guard earns $36,000 per year. Would you risk your life for $16 an hour? Maybe we can fix this problem by making security guards one of the highest paid professions in this country: $500,000 per year. But with that salary must come the same obligations the Secret Service have. Shirking duties would be a treasonous offense! Debatably, this would lead to a quick turnover of guards, knowing they can retire after just a few years with $1,000,000 in the bank. Not exactly someone with incentive to risk their life—bullets being as hazardous as they are to one’s health.
Hi Brad, definitely bullets especially from an AK type gun. Any weapon in the hands of a lunatic.
Unfortunately this nation knows that all too well.