What kind of exercise would you benefit from most?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But I think you should exercise those fingers.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What kind of exercise would you benefit from most?
Sports fans are an odd lot. They love their team so much, they’ll refuse to wash a lucky pair of underwear for an entire season. They’ll pull on those no-longer-so-tighty-or-whitie drawers just prior to taking their lucky spot on the couch. Die-hard fans may even sleep in those lucky underwear—presumably on the couch. These fans can be tens, hundreds, even thousands of miles away from their beloved team, yet believe their actions alone—each self-identifying as their squad’s “#1 Fan”—influence the performance of highly-trained, highly-paid athletes. These superstitions remain imperative even when forced to watch a replay of a game, the result of which they do not yet know. When actually attending a game, it may be of negligible benefit to cheer a helpful refrain: “Defense! Defense!” Do players really need this reminding, though? You’d think the other team having possession of the ball would be indication enough that they should transition from offense to defense. Any fan—myself included—would benefit greatly in stress reduction by exercising restraint in the use of silly superstitions. As for physical exercise, High-Intensity Interval Training would HIIT the mark as most beneficial.
It’s all about routine.
I go to the gym about 3 times a week
I use the machines but don’t really know which ones are the most beneficial. The days I do chair exercises for old people.