Q&complAints #261: Best Adjectives

What two adjectives describe you best?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But I think that’d be horrible and disappointing.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What two adjectives describe you best?

The main actor in Sound of Metal is a heavy-metal drummer and recovering heroin addict.  He’s 4 years clean of the arm candy, and seems to pretty much take care of himself mentally and physically: healthy diet, exercise, supportive partner, etc.  He fails, however, to employee ear protection while blasting away on those drums.  Bye, bye hearing!  Watching the film, I couldn’t help but believe that if my wife had been sitting next to me on the couch, she’d have talked over the movie’s dialogue to again remind me I need to see a doctor.  I would have embodied the drummer’s condition and acted as though I hadn’t heard a word she’d said.  I try to take pretty good care of myself in most regards, sans physician visits.  If forced to choose between a visit to an optometrist or an ENT, I’d choose the former.  It wouldn’t be the worst thing not to hear patients complain to me at the pharmacy, but vision loss would put me in quite the predicament.  As of now, I am both hearing and sighted.  Here’s hoping these two adjectives continue to describe me at least until I retire.

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