What one thing do you associate with cruise ships?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But I think you should cruise on down to the COMMENT section.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What one thing do you associate with cruise ships?
The first thing I remember hearing about COVID-19 involved cruise ships docked in harbors, not allowing passengers to exit for 14 days. I’ve never been on a cruise, despite my wife often saying “We should take one this summer.” From what I understand, cruises seem a bit expensive at first. But when accounting for all food, beverage, lodging, entertainment, etc. being included in the price, it’s really not too outrageous. Of course, most of the ships dock from time to time—that’s when and where you can spend some additional cash. Did I mention “All you can drink”? Who of us hasn’t been to an open bar reception and now, sadly, don’t really remember anything about the wedding? Just imagine a reception lasting for 10 straight days! Marathon—not a sprint. So what are cruises supposed to do about the food situation? With so many people, I imagine at least some of the dining was via buffet. COVID, though, has virtually relegated buffets to a thing of the past. Cruise prices have dropped as demand sinks—folks fearing another COVID-esque outbreak with subsequent quarantine. That’s 14 more days of all-inclusive drinks!
Sorry Brad but drinks are extra and you are charged at the end.
You have to pay in c as in also but most other things on the ship are free
I’ve definitely heard rumor of all-inclusive drinks for an upfront price. Certainly there are different packages one can get.