What is one thing in your bathroom that you need to throw away?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But I wouldn’t throw away this opportunity.
. . .here are my thoughts.
What is one thing in your bathroom that you need to throw away?
Uncle John’s Truth, Trivia, and the Pursuit of Factiness Bathroom Reader. But not because of the book’s contents. Because it’s . . . read in the bathroom. There’s a reason signs hang on bathroom doors of book stores (remember those?) saying something clever like:
If you cross this way
With tome in hand,
Then you must pay,
Or you’ll be damned!
I won’t throw a perfectly good book away, though. I’ll put it in a Little Free Library at a park or in someone’s front yard. Hopefully someone else can get as much enjoyment from the book as I did. I’m amazed at how, year after year, the Bathroom Reader folks continue to produce content. If I run out of my own ideas to write about (I won’t!), I can choose an article from the newest iteration in the series and write something tangentially related to its topic. I could even start a project wherein I compose a Q&complAints about every page of the newest Bathroom Reader over the course of the year. Perhaps I owe the book that much, considering its damned existence in my bathroom.