What could never be considered “bad”?
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. . . here are my thoughts.
What could never be considered “bad”?
I recently read, Frequently Asked Questions About the Universe, by Jorge Cham & Daniel Whiteson. They are also the hosts of the aptly named podcast, Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe. I found it much easier to concentrate while reading their book, than I do when listening to their podcast. Both mediums explore similar concepts in physics, and each is interspersed with frequent comedic sidebars (based a bit too heavily on bananas, I might add). The main problem with the tangents in the podcast, though, are their length. They generally far exceed the quick jokes, references, or callbacks found on the written page. Each hour-long podcast episode really contains only about 15 minutes of pure substance. Then again, I suppose Daniel & Jorge’s goal is to reach as large an audience as possible. If accomplishing that feat demands a high degree of filler, so be it. Whatever it takes to get folks interested in the wonders of science! The more people that desire to learn about our incredibly complex, crazy-ass Universe, the better. In our current culture of false-facts and misinformation, informing the masses of the facts of science can never be considered bad.