What was your favorite childhood game?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Can’t choose among your favorites? Use the eeny, meeny, miny, moe method.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What was your favorite childhood game?
Anyone who’s read even a few of these posts already knows my answer: Duck, Duck, Goose. Okay, fine, it was soccer! Still is. Although poker claims a close second place. Poker and soccer have some commonalities, actually. They’re both quite popular, and can be played for fun, cheaply, or even for free. And a tiny percentage of players earn a living playing either. I played soccer through college, never having had a decent coach. Truthfully, I feel like I’ve learned exponentially more by simply watching the plethora of high-level soccer on TV these last handful of years than I had in my playing career of thrice the length. Unfortunately, I was never good enough at soccer or poker to make either a career. Most professionals in the top European football leagues get a weekly compensation well in excess of the average American’s yearly pay. For many of them, the game may have been job-like since they were talented teenagers at football academies. I sure hope they maintain that same childhood love for the sport that I’m remembering right now. If their memories ever fade, they should check their bank accounts for a sufficient reminder!
I enjoyed watching you play soccer and poker. When you stopped playing soccer after college. I think I missed it more than you. It was a constant in our life for many years
That it was!