What would your alias be if you were in a witness protection program?
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. . . here are my thoughts.
What would your alias be if you were in a witness protection program?
You sure wouldn’t want something too simple or generic like John Doe. Everyone would joke, “What, they run out of names at the witness protection program?” William Gates would probably be a bad choice, too. People would remark, “So this is what happens when witness protection lets people choose their own aliases.” How about the name Holland Oates? The group’s been together for over 50 years, so everyone knows Hall & Oates. You’d get a constant barrage of, “You Oat to Hall your ass to witness protection & get rid of that dumb ass name!” Then again, if you really were in the program, all these names would seem far too obvious for someone trying to lay low. In bringing so much attention to your new name, you may actually succeed in throwing everyone off your trail. Maybe you’d be able to hide in plain sight. Let’s be honest, though, I’d probably want to taunt all those trying desperately to find me and administer my comeuppance. I’d probably choose “Hawleigh Graile.” Just like the elusive cup, I’ll forever remain unattainable—as though I never existed at all.