Q&complAints #207: Major World Event

What do you think will be the next major event in world history?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! It’s really not a big deal; I don’t want to start WWIII over it!
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What do you think will be the next major event in world history?

By the time this posts, it may already be a reality. Hopefully I’m dead wrong, but with the Russia and Ukraine tensions as they are, I’ll go with World War III. If nothing else, a major brush up like this is the incentive needed to learn a little geography. I mean, who really knows where all those central European countries are located? England, Spain, Portugal, Italy—no problem picking those out on a map. Basically half the damn continent is Russia, so that’s no problem either. I wouldn’t have been able to tell you a week ago exactly where Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Romania, etc. were, though. Full transparency, I’d probably need a handful of mulligans to get the locations of all 50 United States correct. Even if Putin backs his shitless ass down (why would he have a shirt on his ass, anyway?), WWIII would still be my answer. I mean, we’re talking world history here, people. Other than global war, what else has the ability to affect the entire planet? We’d need something unrealistic, like . . . I don’t know, global warming or a pandemic.

4 thoughts on “Q&complAints #207: Major World Event”

  1. No country is afraid of the US because of the person running it. We are here for the taking because our commander would probably hide in his basement and say it was a friendly takeover just like the friendly protests

  2. I agree Brad. If it isn’t Russia causing WWIII it is going to be Korea or China taking over the US. Sad thing is this take over started many years ago and we are letting it happen.

  3. It’s frightening, but I agree with you. I’m afraid of what is going on in the Ukraine with Russia. Hopefully someone makes some good decisions.


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