Q&complAints #201: Revolutionary TV Show

What is the most revolutionary television show ever?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I’m sure your comment will be revolutionary.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is the most revolutionary television show ever?

I once asked Phoebe what is available to her now, that she wishes would have been when she was growing up. Most people would give one of the obvious answers: Internet, smartphone, Uber Eats. I started to give her my answer while she spent a moment thinking of hers. Before I could even preface “Crossfit” with “Other than the Internet . . .,” she blurted out her answer as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I forget the exact wording of her response, but the answer was essentially “TV.” Phoebe loves the plethora of high quality programming available today compared to during her youth. And to be fair . . . yeah! I find it nearly impossible to watch visual entertainment that’s more than about a decade old because of the vast improvements during that short time. Phoebe, though, was focused as much on the quantity as the quality of shows available today. And, again, to be fair . . . yeah! With numerous examples to choose from, this is a question best left to my better half. Maybe between tonight’s episodes, she’ll enlighten us in the Comments.

4 thoughts on “Q&complAints #201: Revolutionary TV Show”

  1. I agree. In our younger days Mike and I went to the movies several times a month. Now we stream the movies and enjoy the comforts of our home. It has changed everything. Some for the good, such as the constant entertainment and some for the bad. Such as the constant news That’s a story for another day.

  2. “All in the Family” was revolutionary at that time. Today they would be sued and booted off the air. I do have to agree with Phoebe, TV in general is very revolutionary. We had 3 channels to watch and only until 11 PM.


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