Q&complAints #195: Time Travel

If you could travel back in time, when would you choose?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Or maybe you’ve already written something in the past . . . or in the future.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

If you could travel back in time, when would you choose?

Prostitution is referenced as the world’s oldest profession. Probably true! Why is it not legal now? In 1910, the Mann Act (AKA: the White-Slave Traffic Act of 1910) passed. It criminalized the transportation of “any woman or girl for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose.” There had been other more localized laws prior to that, but this was the first big boy law attempting to stop “experienced women” from asking young men “First time, Big Boy?” There was a 6-month period between the introduction of the bill and its passage into law. That’d be a heck of a time to travel back to. I’d witness the unfortunate close to an era when a woman could still legally support herself using her God-given moneymaker(s). And if the frenetic period prior to Prohibition’s enactment is any indication, it must have been one hell of a party leading up to the Mann Act’s enforcement. Prostitution continues today. Why not legalize it and earn tax revenue? If the government later decides to crack down on prostitution, they can always go the ol’ Al Capone, tax evasion route.

2 thoughts on “Q&complAints #195: Time Travel”

  1. I wouldn’t go back that far. I would go back to a time when people actually wanted to help others. When freedom of speech actually meant something.


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