Q&complAints #187: Never Forget

What do you never want to forget?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Hurry up; do it now before you forget!
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What do you never want to forget?

We all have a phrase or saying we tend to fall back on when something startling, unfortunate, or annoying happens. My wife will utter “Oh, Dear!” when one of these situations arise. Without fail, I respond “Yes, Honey?” To which she’ll generally respond, “I knew you were gonna say that.” That is, unless she’s developed a momentary case of that deafness people get when staring at their mobile device. This may have begun in a sarcastic manner, but has morphed into a loving one. Now, I never want to forget to respond “Yes, Honey?” because that could signal the beginnings of Alzheimer’s. Either that or I simply no longer care enough about our relationship to placate the expectations she has after 12 years of marriage. Or there’s the possibility it’s a sign that I have the beginnings of Alzheimer’s. Phoebe will often exclaim “Oh, Dear!” I’ll respond with, “Yes, Honey?” To which she counters, “I knew you were gonna say that.” Wait . . . did I already—? I guess it’s a race to see which one of us will be the first to forget their part of our little senility proof.

3 thoughts on “Q&complAints #187: Never Forget”

  1. The one thing I hope no one every forgets is the Holocaust. When I hear people doubting it, the first thing that comes to my mind is repeating that entire nightmare. My father in law was in the Italian Army and was in a German Concentration Camp and if he was still with us, he would tell you that it was no hoax and the stories we hear about how horrible it was are so true.


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