Q&complAints #183 : Requires No Skill

What does not require a lot of skill?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Whether you’re a skilled typist or not, just write!
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What does not require a lot of skill?

I think I may have invented a card game. Okay . . . not so much invented, as derived a more thinking man’s (and woman’s) version from a relatively banal game. And it wasn’t just my idea, but a melding of ideas from three brains. Since I actually typed up the directions we ultimately agreed upon—with a bit extra sprinkled in later—I can kinda, sorta, almost say I invented it. And as proof the new version still doesn’t require a lot of skill, I was the game’s first victor. A game that we decided halfway through—when I was in a distant 3rd place—the winner would earn the right to name. I call it “Level Up”. How can you tell, though, if you’ve truly invented a card game? Most people aren’t self-indulgent enough to type up directions for a game, then dedicate an entire post about it on their very own, sparsely read blog. Most people would just sober up and completely forget about their endeavors. That is, until the clan gets back together and someone asks: “Remember that game we kinda, sorta invented? Anyone remember how to play?”

2 thoughts on “Q&complAints #183 : Requires No Skill”

  1. It is a good card game.you picked an appropriate name for it. I think it would catch on.


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