Q&complAints #176: Quite Amusing

What always amuses you?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! We’re not here to judge your sense of humor.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What always amuses you?

If you’ve visited my “Self-Indulgence Page,” you know I listen to many podcasts. Among them is Sawbones. Its tagline is “A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine.” Pliny the Elder is an historical figure making major contributions to Sawbones. It’s documented that he died in 79 AD when attempting to help rescue people during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. But even as an ancient man of medicine, the things he wrote about—and he wrote extensively—were utterly ridiculous! He had a “cure” for almost any ailment—real or imagined. They all basically fit a Mad Lib formula:

“To cure {disease} mix {number} {gender} {animal}’s {body part} in {liquid}
and {route of ingestion} at {time of day}.”

So, yeah, none of them worked! But I’m still amused with each new Pliny the Elder “cure” that Dr. Sydnee and her husband, Justin, enlighten me with. I mean, how many dudes had to “Drink the morning urine of 2 pregnant female goats,” before they realized they were all still bald? Sure, if you had a headache, it might naturally go away by the time you gathered all the crazyass necessities. But that goiter’s not going away on its own.

7 thoughts on “Q&complAints #176: Quite Amusing”

  1. I find little ones amusing. I love their innocence and truthfulness. Right now I’m into Flavcity. It is Bobby Parish, his Bulgarian wife Dessie and 2 year old daughter Rose Honey. It’s all about healthy eating but Rose gets into the act. Love watching her cook. She describes all of the ingredients in her baby talk. This family has built am empire on their brand of healthy eating and little Rose. Give it a watch.


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