Q&complAints #175 : Jeopardy! Category

What Jeopardy! category would you be great at?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But if you do, write it in the form of a question!
questions answers signage

. . .here are my thoughts.

What Jeopardy! category would you be great at?

I’ve never been great at Jeopardy! I’m not excited; Jeopardy! just has that confusing exclamation point in its name. I’m constantly amazed at how quickly the contestant’s minds work. Even if I know that I know the answer, the time pressure often gets to me. I constantly claim the ol’ on-the-tip-of-my-tongue excuse. There’s the debate about whether it’s more valuable to overall success in life to be a specialist, or be well-rounded. Jeopardy! success certainly demands the latter. Decades ago, my mother and I occasionally watched together with pen and paper in hand, tracking our scores (no penalty for incorrect guesses, though, otherwise we’d both have ended up ineligible for Final Jeopardy!). I still remember the greatest answer I ever questioned correctly (seems ass-backward, but such is Jeopardy!). The question was “What is enthalpy?” To be fair, I had taken a test on the concept just a few days beforehand, but played it off like the $1,000 Double Jeopardy! clue (the highest value at the time) was common knowledge. The category I’d have the highest likelihood of being great at would probably be “Pharmacy.” Even then, time pressure would be my nemesis.

Check out ALL previous Q&complAints posts here!

4 thoughts on “Q&complAints #175 : Jeopardy! Category”

  1. We watch Jeopardy every night. Even if I know the answer, I can’t answer that quickly. I’m pretty bad in all of the categories. Sometimes just putting in the form of a question is difficult. If they had any question about cooking or baking I would probably do better. I love to watch Jeopardy with my son in law Steve. He watches and answers one after another and is very quiet when he answers. The majority of his answers are right on. I keep telling him he should try out for the show but he said he is not good enough. Very modest young man.

  2. I don’t think I would be good at any particular topic. I am kind of a skilled at all subjects but a master of none.

  3. God bless America’s greatest generation! God rest their souls. God bless these PATRIOT’S families. These men and women would be disgusted at how these Marxist, AOC, cancel culture, critical race theory types are attempting to destroy the greatest country in the world. Defund the police, erase this country’s history by toppling monuments and removing history from our children’s school textbooks, label everyone a racist, don’t arrest criminals, release those incarcerated. Familiar with China’s Cultural Revolution, Hitler? LET’S GO BRANDON!

    Happy Birthday to your mother. She must be a wonderful, caring, and giving woman! May she be blessed with many more years of good health and fond memories in a FREE America.

    Why are Ned and Viv not wearing facial coverings as guests in your home? It would be ashame if they were infected with Omnicrom, I mean the common cold. Alot of children are depending on them.

    Keep up the creative work.


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