Q&complAints #172 : Best Thing About Kids

What is the best part about having children?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I’m not kidding, I really don’t care.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is the best part about having children?

Why is a “Turnover on Downs” in football not considered a turnover as far as stats are concerned? I mean, “Turnover” is right there in the damn name! I guess “Obligated Relinquishment of Pigskin Upon Failure to Advance Stipulated Average of 2.5 Yards Per Play After 4 Downs” was a bit wordy. Who do I need to contact to get my great idea implemented? I think it’s about time this oversight is remedied. And I’ll stop at nothing to see this through! If I had chosen to have children, you could be damn sure I’d inculcate them with this same drive and determination to see this mission through to the end. I suppose passing along all your deepest pet peeves is the best part about having children. I’m totally guessing here—my wife, a nullipara. Imagine the ability to mold supple, young minds to your every whim. Creating through the next generation, a version of yourself with neuroses even more deeply ingrained. Come to think of it . . . that’s pretty much why racism still exists. Yet more proof that not all my ideas are as great as they initially seem.

5 thoughts on “Q&complAints #172 : Best Thing About Kids”

  1. Well Brad I have a few things to say. First I too am a nullipara, great word, thanks sounds better than childless woman or barren woman. As for my sister, what can I say. My family always says I am a pain in the ass and my mother said after me they decided two was enough. I say after you get it right you stop because you can’t make a better child. I think she is jealous cause I am the baby. I guess it all depends on where you are in the pecking order. If I had children I would say the best part is having someone to do the dishes or give you grandkids.

  2. Watching them grow. Seeing them become a good person
    Hopefully. Knowing that you had a part in molding them into the person they become. Whether they are productive or deadbeats you love them. I’m blessed that both of my boys grew up to be men I can be proud of

  3. You can put them on the right track and pray a lot but you cannot mold. My daughters are very different. If I had molded them they would be alike. How boring that would be. My sister and I are very different. If we were molded we would be more alike. And the world cannot withstand 2 Diane’s. 2 Sue Ann’s and the world would be blessed.
    The best part is watching them grow from tiny little things that rely on you for life to human beings that are productive in society. Their every accomplishment is your accomplishment and their every heartache is a big heartache for the parent. I have been fortunate because I have seen more accomplishments then heartaches.
    I couldn’t imagine life without them.


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