Q&complAints #171 : Guaranteed to Upset

What is guaranteed to make you upset?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Either way, you won’t upset me.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is guaranteed to make you upset?

Every once in a long while, there will be a decent commercial on TV. If it pops onto the screen while my wife’s around, I’ll quickly pause it to ask, “Hey, have you seen this commercial?” If the answer’s “No,” I’ll kick it back 10 seconds and push play. I fully expect her to see an advertisement that’s well worth her time to watch, possibly even more than once. You know what’s guaranteed to make me upset, though? When it’s the shortened version! All the subtle parts that make the ad memorable—those that pull at my heartstrings, or make me laugh out loud—are removed from the 60-second iteration, squeezing only the nuts and bolts of commercialism into a 30-second slot. Too often the abridged version doesn’t even make any sense. My anger crescendoes upon the realization that I’m watching a commercial at all. I seldom watch anything live—just fast-forward it! Then again, those 30 to 90-second commercial blocks can’t be bypassed on platforms like Peacock, Hulu, or Disney+. Unless, of course, you’re willing to pay 2 to 3 times more for their ad-free service. Commercials don’t upset me that much!

2 thoughts on “Q&complAints #171 : Guaranteed to Upset”

  1. I guess what upsets me most is when people see things one sided. Their own side. I hate discussing politics. I cannot conform to 1 party and even less 1 candidate. When someone says you are stupid if you vote for this or that We all want the same things in life. We just look at things a little differently. That is our freedom. One person told me that the problem with this county is we have 2 parties. If there was 1 there would be no problems. That comment totally pissed me off.


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