Q&complAints #168 : Disappointing Attraction

What famous attraction (that you’ve been to) was the greatest disappointment?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! You illegally wrote on the bathroom stall at the Louvre; the least you can do is legally post a comment here!
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What famous attraction (that you’ve been to) was the greatest disappointment?

As of this coming April, I will have turned 21 years of age exactly that many years ago. What a terribly awkward way to say I’m almost 42. [Yet I still don’t know the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything!] Youngsters can’t wait for the day they turn 21 so they can finally go to the bars and use their real ID to order drinks. That excitement quickly fades—ultimately a great disappointment. Because I don’t travel all that much, I chose to interpret attraction as meaning:

“The action or power of evoking interest, pleasure, or liking for someone or something.”

As mentioned, I have been to and surpassed the age of 21. As has my dear wife, Phoebe. In fact, today she celebrates another full year since her birth those [redacted] years ago. I realize some of you out there will argue the question obviously intends attraction to mean:

“A place which draws visitors by providing something of interest or pleasure.”

Might I suggest permitting me to interpret the question to my own fancy and merriment. Likewise, join me in fancying Phoebe a day of merriment!

Happy Birthday, Phoebe!!

5 thoughts on “Q&complAints #168 : Disappointing Attraction”

  1. Happy Birthday Phoebe. Many more years filled with health and joy.
    I have been to Las Vegas many times. Each time I go I am more disappointed then the time before. The fist few times were glamorous. Now it has no class or glamor.

  2. Happy birthday Phoebe. My disappointing attraction was my first time to the Vatican. I was a practicing catholic at that time and I expected to feel closer to God inside the Vatican. I didn’t and was very disappointed in the decedents. It made me realize if I want to feel closer to God I just need to watch a sunset or sunrise. Sorry for being so deep.


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