What is a strange thing to collect?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What is a strange thing to collect?
Used condoms!! I don’t think any further explanation need be given for this answer. But I do self-impose a 200-word mandate on these posts, so I better write something else. Perhaps I could try to describe, in words, the stench that would emanate from such a collection. The unmistakable odor of latex—. Actually, I’d have to assume that’d be the extent. Latex simply has such a distinctive and overpowering smell. I’m not convinced manufacturers make disposable gloves and bandages latex-free simply due to the potential for allergic reactions. They probably also prefer some young bachelor physician doesn’t thrust his hands into latex gloves before examining an 80-year-old women, only to have his nose remind him of last night’s rendezvous with that busty brunette. If you did collect used condoms, where would you store them? And to what end? Perhaps in the freezer. You know, maybe it’ll help dampen the smell . . . with the added benefit of protecting the viability of the little swimmers within. My sincere apologies! I really should’ve just ended this one after those first 2 words. On a positive note, such a collection wouldn’t contribute to fatbergs.
Gross Brad. My neighbor in Avon Lake years ago said he collected fingernails as a kid. I am done.