Q&complAints #165: Life-Altering Change

What life-altering change have you been meaning to do?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But I promise [I don’t really promise!], it’ll change your life.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What life-altering change have you been meaning to do?

Imagine what it’d be like to win a HUGE Mega Millions jackpot—a life-altering change I’ve been meaning to do. You look at the numbers on a worthless, rectangular slip. Immediately, you notice the Mega Ball matches. You’ve locked up $2. Then, scanning from left to right: match, Match, Match!, MATCH!!, MATCH!!!!!!! Instantly, that worthless piece of paper becomes more valuable than the cumulative value of everything you’ve ever owned. If the toilet began to overflow, you’d gladly accept the total loss of your home to flood damage as long as you and that winning ticket make it to safety. You find yourself befuddled at how cavalier you’d been with this piece of life-altering wealth. It could have blown out of your grasp by a gust of wind immediately after purchase, as the gas station’s automatic sliding doors opened. The ticket spent its next couple days under a fridge magnet where it could have disappeared in any number of way. No longer! Into a hard plastic sleeve. Then a baggy. A second baggy. Fireresistant safe. Fire extinguisher at the ready. Loaded pistol tucked in your waistband. Don’t forget that safe code!!

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