Q&complAints #161: Complete Your Home

If you could buy one thing to complete your home, what would it be?

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. . .here are my thoughts.

If you could buy one thing to complete your home, what would it be?

I recently watched the film, Minari. In my opinion, it shouldn’t have received a 2021 Oscar nomination for Best Picture. The male lead, Steven Yeun—who also didn’t deserve his Best Actor nomination (again, opinion)—taught his young son an important lesson: “Koreans use their minds.” The farming family burnt all their garbage in a metal trash can a mere 20 feet or so from their wooden barn filled with all the produce they were about to sell. I’m sorry, but wasn’t the lesson “Koreans use their minds”? Did their minds tell them to have the entire ground surrounding the fire pit area covered in highly flammable straw? Straw that leads right up to and encircles the barn. Ridiculous! Because of Minari, I realized Americans must use their minds, too. The one thing I need to complete my home came to me like an epiphany. I need a fireproof safe to contain all my important documents, jump/thumb drives (what do you call them?), cash-on-hand, etc. It’d really complete my home if all the safe’s empty space was instead filled with bricks of highly flammable American currency.

3 thoughts on “Q&complAints #161: Complete Your Home”

  1. At my age, the only thing I need is my family’s health. Thank God, we are now in a position to purchase whatever we want. But we cannot buy our family’s health. Let’s face it, without our health, all the riches in the world mean nothing.


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